Citizens Portal
We have now embarked on the citizen account journey where we are happy to consult and provide you with options to get the best out of a citizen account. We are the first and currently only Electoral Management Software supplier that can allow a link to the Electoral Register Database which other services can link into. We can offer a stand-alone electoral administration only solution, we can contribute to an existing Citizen Account or can run as the principal platform with other Council Departments contributing into it. As the largest single source of trustworthy data held by a local Authority, the Electoral Roll is a great tool for driving recruitment and retention to your Citizen Account. It enables the integraton of information across different local government services and systems, facilitating a 'tell us once' approach - with any updated information provided to one department automatically updating across the account to other services. By linking the Electoral Register to a citizen portal you can offer self-service and digital transformation to the authority’s most paper dependant departments.

Enhanced Citizen Engagement
Our Citizen Portal provides a platform for residents to interact with the council, share feedback, and stay informed about elections and local council news and activities, fostering a sense of community involvement

Improved Communication
The portal serves as a communication hub for disseminating important election information, news, updates and announcements, ensuring citizens are well informed. Two way communication means citizens can interact with electoral services digitally moving away from phone enquiries, leading to quicker response times. Send emergency notifications in times of crisis for quicker delivery of critical information to residents improving service delivery

Time and Cost Savings
Through automation, reduces time and workload in processing electors registration changes. Reduces the need for citizens to visit physical council offices. Low cost communication contributes to reducing paper usage and council's environment footprint.

Access Online Electoral Services
Citizens can access council services, electoral services profile, registration status 24/7 from the comfort of their homes, making it more convenient and accessible for them to interact with the council without the need for multiple visits and phone calls
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